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The Children's Section of Naples Public Libraries

Each of the thirteen City Libraries in the Neapolitan area has a children's section.

Periodicals, comics, essays, manuals, fiction and texts suitable for school projects, with their easy language and attractive images, encourage children to enjoy reading books from Naples Public Libraries.

Materials in this section are on open display so that young users can easily access needed documents, to best develop their educational and leisure time interests.

Children may also borrow bibliographical material, provided one parent gives permission.


See the Catalog

Click on the name of a Field (Author, Title, Publisher, Library, Notes) to arrange the table according to that Field. To come back to the catalog's complete list, delete the research key put in and click on the "search" button.

Limita i risultati della ricerca

Autore Titolo Editore Biblioteca Note
BORGHI, Anna MariaPer le strade della cittPaniniDeledda
BOSCO, TeresioDi professione uominiMursiaDeledda
BOSCO, TeresioGrandi sport grandi campioniSEIDeledda
BOSSI, EldaPierino in guerraVallecchiDeledda
BOTTICELLI, RodolfoIl racconto delle grandi scoperteLa ScuolaDeledda
BOTTICELLI, RodolfoIl trenino delle fiabe nuoveLa ScuolaDeledda
BRADBURY, RayCronache marzianeMondadoriDeledda
BRAMBILLA, FrancoFull & Berto i grandi amiciFabbriDeledda
BRAMWELL, MartynDesertiLa ScuolaDeledda
BRAMWELL, MartynGhiacciai e calotte polariLa ScuolaDeledda
BRAMWELL, MartynI fenomeni atmosfericiLa ScuolaDeledda
BRAMWELL, MartynIl pianeta terraLa ScuolaDeledda
BRAMWELL, MartynMontagneLa ScuolaDeledda
BRAMWELL, MartynOceaniLa ScuolaDeledda
BRAMWELL, MartynVulcani e TerremotiLa ScuolaDeledda
BRANCACCIO, MarioLe avventure di EneaL' isola dei ragazziDeledda
BRANCACCIO, MarioUn poeta in fugaL' isola dei ragazziDeledda
BRANNANIl regno del caosEd. E. ElleDeledda
BRAVETTA, Vittorio EmanueleLe repubbliche del mareLa ScuolaDeledda
BRENNAN, HerbieFrankensteinEd. E. ElleDeledda
BRENNAN, HerbieIl conte DraculaEd. E. ElleDeledda
BRENNAN, HerbieLa tomba degli incubiEd. E. ElleDeledda
BRENNAN, HerbieNel regno dei mortiEd. E. ElleDeledda
BRENNAN, HerbieViaggio nel terroreEd. E. ElleDeledda
BRIZZOLARA, CarloLa minghina bastanota?EinaudiDeledda
BRONIG, RobertoIl libro del piffero magicoFabbriDeledda
BROWNE, ReginaldIl grande volo del Prof. BonnardFabbriDeledda
BRUCKNER, KarlIl faraone d' oroVallecchiDeledda
BRUCKNER, KarlUomini e robotLa ScuolaDeledda
BRUCKNER, WinfriedI ragazzi di VarsaviaGiuntiDeledda
Pagina 246 su 528
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