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The Children's Section of Naples Public Libraries

Each of the thirteen City Libraries in the Neapolitan area has a children's section.

Periodicals, comics, essays, manuals, fiction and texts suitable for school projects, with their easy language and attractive images, encourage children to enjoy reading books from Naples Public Libraries.

Materials in this section are on open display so that young users can easily access needed documents, to best develop their educational and leisure time interests.

Children may also borrow bibliographical material, provided one parent gives permission.


See the Catalog

Click on the name of a Field (Author, Title, Publisher, Library, Notes) to arrange the table according to that Field. To come back to the catalog's complete list, delete the research key put in and click on the "search" button.

Limita i risultati della ricerca

Autore Titolo Editore Biblioteca Note
DICKENS, CharlesRacconto di NataleMursiaBiblioteca per ragazzi
DICKENS, CharlesDavid CopperfieldSEILabrioladismesso
DICKENS, CharlesIl Circolo PickwickMalipieroLabrioladismesso
DICKENS, CharlesLa piccola DorritBoschiLabrioladismesso
DICKENS, CharlesLe due cittFabbriLabrioladismesso
DICKENS, CharlesOliviero TwistMursiaLabrioladismesso
DICKENS, CharlesUn canto di NataleFabbriLabrioladismesso
DICKENS, CharlesUn canto di NatalePaolineLabriola
DICKENS, CharlesIl canto di NataleRizzoliPianura
DICKENS, CharlesIl Circolo PickwickMursiaPianura
DICKENS, CharlesOliviero TwistBRIPianura
DICKENS, CharlesRacconto di NataleMursiaPianura
DICKENS, CharlesLe avventure di Oliver TwistMondadoriPianura
DICKENS, CharlesCanto di NataleCDEVilla Letizia
DICKENS, CharlesDavid CopperfieldPaolineVilla Letizia
DICKENS, CharlesCanto di NataleSASAngiulli
DICKENS, CharlesCinque ragazziParaviaAngiulli
DICKENS, CharlesDavid CopperfieldMondadoriAngiulli
DICKENS, CharlesInfanzia e fanciullezza di David CopperfieldLa Nuova ItaliaAngiulli
DICKENS, CharlesLa bottega dell' antiquarioSAIEAngiulli
DICKENS, CharlesLa piccola DorritAMZAngiulli
DICKENS, CharlesOliver TwistMarzoccoAngiulli
DICKENS, CharlesDavid CopperfieldMondadoriCroce
DICKENS, CharlesIl canto di NataleFabbriCroce
DICKENS, CharlesLa piccola DorritFabbriCroce
DICKENS, CharlesLe due cittaFabbriCroce
DICKENS, CharlesPickwick e sociParaviaCroce
DICKENS, CharlesDavid CopperfieldMondadoriFortunatodismesso
DICKENS, CharlesLa piccola DorritFabbriFortunato
DICKENS, CharlesLe due cittFabbriFortunato
Pagina 179 su 528
Visualizzati 30 records su 15824
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