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The Children's Section of Naples Public Libraries

Each of the thirteen City Libraries in the Neapolitan area has a children's section.

Periodicals, comics, essays, manuals, fiction and texts suitable for school projects, with their easy language and attractive images, encourage children to enjoy reading books from Naples Public Libraries.

Materials in this section are on open display so that young users can easily access needed documents, to best develop their educational and leisure time interests.

Children may also borrow bibliographical material, provided one parent gives permission.


See the Catalog

Click on the name of a Field (Author, Title, Publisher, Library, Notes) to arrange the table according to that Field. To come back to the catalog's complete list, delete the research key put in and click on the "search" button.

Limita i risultati della ricerca

Autore Titolo Editore Biblioteca Note
PACILIO, James V.Alla scoperta dello spazioMursiaAndreoli
PIGNA, AlfredoIl romanzo delle OlimpiadiMursiaAndreoli
PODENDORF, Illa101 esperimenti scientificiMursiaAndreoli
PODENDORF, IllaImpara le scienze da soloMursiaAndreoli
REICHEN, Charles AlbertStoria della fisicaMursiaAndreoli
REICHEN, Charles AlbertStoria dell'astronomiaMursiaAndreoli
SOULARD, RobertStoria della macchinaMursiaAndreoli
STAROBINSKI, JeanStoria della medicinaMursiaAndreoli
STEVENSON, Robert LouisLa freccia neraMursiaAndreoli
TERHUNE PAYSON, AlbertLad: un caneMursiaAndreoli
TRIBERTI, CarloLa pattuglia MursiaAndreoli
TRIBERTI, CarloVecchie e nuove avventure di LazzarinoMursiaAndreoli
TROJANI, FeliceL'ultimo voloMursiaAndreoli
TWAIN, MarkLe avventure di Huck FinnMursiaAndreoli
TWAIN, MarkLe avventure di Tom SawyerMursiaAndreoli
VERNE, JulesCinque settimane in palloneMursiaAndreoli
VERNE, JulesDalla terra alla luna. Intorno alla lunaMursiaAndreoli
VERNE, JulesI figli del capitan GrantMursiaAndreoli
VERNE, JulesI naufraghi del "Chencellor ".Le Indie nereMursiaAndreoli
VERNE, JulesIl giro del mondo in 80 giorniMursiaAndreoli
VERNE, JulesIl paese delle pellicceMursiaAndreoli
VERNE, JulesLe avventure del capitano HatterasMursiaAndreoli
VERNE, JulesL'isola misteriosaMursiaAndreoli
VERNE, JulesMichele StrogoffMursiaAndreoli
VERNE, JulesUna citt? galleggianteMursiaAndreoli
VINCIERI, MicheleLe confessioni dell'orso GregorioMursiaAndreoli
WELLS, Herbert GeorgeLa macchina del tempoMursiaAndreoli
WHITE, Terence HanburyLa spada nella rocciaMursiaAndreoli
WINER, BartLa vita e i costumi nell'antichitMursiaAndreoli
ZAVATTI, SilvioAlla scoperta del mondo MursiaAndreoli
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