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Basilica of St. Severo

the Basilica of St. Severo

This holy bishop... on the principle of fifth century built under the rock of this hill his tomb... and his tomb became a source of miracles and the crypt was soon changed into a church and the Neapolitans, desiring to be buried with their pastor, formed there another cemetery, which said the catacomb of St. Severo.
 The saint's body before the ninth century was solemnly carried into the church of St. Giorgio, so the cult of the ancient extramural crypt diminished, and the catacomb remained in use as cemetery together with the adjacent kiosk, until in 1573 Archbishop Mario Carafa gave way it to conventuals, they fabricated closely the monastery, and in 1681 remade the church with design of Dionisio Lazzaro.
Upon the altar there is a prestigious painting by an unknown artist that forging the style of the Zingaro [the picture today is attributed to Teodoro D'Errico], the painting depicts "la Vergine con i santi Severo, Ludovico, Antonio e Francesco D'Assisi". In the chapels there are pictures of some merit.

the basilica of St. Severothe Basilica of St. Severothe Basilica of St. Severo
Attract now our attention many vestiges of the ancient catacomb... detaching the plaster from the wall in the upper side, in the arcosolium appeared the image of a young boy dressed with a very large red penula. He stands with his left hand an
open book, upon his head falls from the sky the laurel wreath of the immortal glory; court the new candidate of the Paradise 4 saints dressed in tunic and pallium and with their heads surrounded by a bright nimbus.
 The pictures in the left arcosolium
are completely lost, except in the left corner, where is the painting of a SANCTUS PROTASIU(S). The painting of St. Gervasius in the right corner is lost. On the right arcosolia you can see the jewelled cross and two saints with nimbus, on the left corner the image of a (SAN)CTUS EUTYCHE(TES), certainly on the right is lost the image of St. Acuzio.
It's also remarkable the adjoining oratory of St. Antonio, built in 1621 and contains works of Michael Ragoli, Luca Giordano, Andrea Vaccaro, Giacinto Diano, Giovan Battista Spinelli and Bernardo Cavallino. On the tribune you can admire an organ in
gilded and polychromed wood, which bears the signature of Charles Mancini and the date 1760.