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The Protection Service of the Sea

una imbarcazione del Servizio Risorsa Mare

The Protection Service of the Sea of Naples was founded in 1998 with the aim to equip the Municiplal Administration of an operational tool able to protect the entire coast, excluding the port areas.
The tasks of the Service deal with the planning, management and protection of the shoreline, the recovery of degraded areas and the enhancement of the maritime economy of Naples.
The Protection Service, incardinated in the Department of Environment, is made onaverage of 90 employees and on the Neapolitan territory it has five Departments: the Directional one, three offices for the maintenance of the coast (East - San Giovanni, Center and West - Bagnoli) and an operative one for the marine activities (Base Acton, Molo S. Vincenzo).
The Service operates on different levels, directly and indirectly, independently and with the help of other Institutions. Its main aim is the environmental restoration of the coastal area. The main areas of operational and technical activities are:


un tratto della costa cittadina

Monitoraggio e controllo
Monitoring and Control
The precise knowledge of the status of their marine waters is an important and strategic environmental protection. In this context, the Protection Service programs and implements a set of technical and operational activities aimed at safeguarding ecological - environmental status of marine waters (from Pietrarsa to LaPietra).


vista dall'alto di un tratto di costa cittadino

Lavori di riqualificazione e valorizzazione della costa
Enhancing the coast
The Service developed a series of interventions aimed at enhancing the coast.

le operazioni di pulizia di uno degli arenili

Beach cleaning
The Service makes regular cleaning of the beaches.


vista dall'alto di un tratto di costa cittadino

Lavori di riqualificazione e valorizzazione della costa
Enhancing the coast
The Service developed a series of interventions aimed at enhancing the coast.