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Royal Holy Home of Annunziata

cortile di antico fabbricato con portale d'ingresso e due ali laterali con finestre
Royal Holy Home of Annunziata - courtyard (circa1920)

The archive (via dell'Annunziata n. 34) is kept in the historical head office of the Royal Holy Home of Annunziata, old institution born with the aim to give shelter and assistance to abandoned infants.

This charitable institution was born in 1304 thanks to two Neapolitan gentlemen, Nicolò and Jacopo Scondito (two brothers) who, in 1343, were granted the support of Queen Sancia of Majorca, Roberto d'Angiò's wife.
In 1433 it was enlarged, thanks to Joan II, and it started attracting considerable donations which, in 1577, led to the foundation of the Bank of Ave Gratia Plena, that was the genesis of the Bank of Naples.

In more than six hundred years, this institution constantly pursued the original statute's aim, until its dissolution after the issue of the regional Regulation n.65 of November 11th 1980, enforcing the D.P.R. n.616/77.


Preserved archives



