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"Fragmenta" - The Giuseppe Falconi's personal exhibition

Castel dell'Ovo, 10th-25th March 2012

by Federica Coscino

Fragmenta is the Giuseppe Falconi's new project, by Federica Coscino, that will be open from 10th to 25th March 2012, at Castel dell'Ovo, Hall of the dungeons.
The fragments of a visual run become the synthesis of the Neapolitan artist's search that once more takes shape in a renewed creative language.
Works of great dimensions will be exposed; they focus "pieces of humanity", drawn in the unconscious, slices of life and ideas that materialize in the representations.

The works, realised on canvas, are the result of the expressive intervention that - in the use of the different techniques - privileges the digital tool accompanied by the heat of the pictorial line.

A Video will complete the exhibition, a complementary background of both the fragmentation of works and the imprisonment of being an artist.
Faded atmospheres, bouncing colours the childish age, flash backs, vague memories.
Fragmenta is a mental run, a vision of the relativity of the existence in its difference between who exists and who observes himself, a mirror of the courage to realise something to improve, a collective portrait of the intimate anguishes, a desperate and parallel run of the time. Directed by Gabriele Saurio.



In via Partenope Borgo Marinari
Telephone numbers 081 7956180 and 081 7956181
info: casteldellovo@comune.napoli.it
Free entry
Working days: 9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. 
Sundays and public holidays: 9.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m.

Transports: 140, R3 buses