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"Dialoghi d'arte"

Collective exhibition by artists of the "Euro Arte Italia" Cultural Association


The "Euro Arte Italia" Cultural Association, after the successful exhibition in 2009, proposes the 2nd edition of "DIALOGHI D'ARTE" (2012), a collective exhibition by artists of the association.
The title refers to the presence of different artists with the common desire to express their inner world and to arouse emotions and reflections of their audience.
The exhibition visitors will assist to a "dialogue" among the artists through their works, a comparison of their world views, their feelings and their  art conceptions.

The Art Exhibition will take place in the Monumental Complex of San Severo al Pendino, from 2nd to 19th May.
Opening Wednesday 2nd May, at 17.30.


Via Duomo, 286 - Napoli - tel. 081 7956423
Orario: dal lunedì al sabato ore 9,00 -18,30
Ingresso gratuito
come si raggiunge:
- autobus R2, E1
- Metropolitana Linea 1 stazione Museo
- Metropolitana Linea 2 stazione piazza Cavour