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Castel Sant'Elmo. "Giovedi contemporanei: work in progress"

From 15th March, at 17.00, a series of meetings dedicated to Contemporary Art


First meeting

Thursday 15th March, at 17.00. A possible dialogue
Meeting with Maria Giovanna Mancini and Fabrizio Tramontano.


Thursday March 15th, at 17.00, Castel Sant'Elmo, a new series of meetings dedicated to the Contemporary Art will start: artists, art critics, journalists, curators will illustrate their different way to see and to live the Contemporary Art by debates, presentations, meetings, visits and projections.
The title "Work in progress" refers to the wish to turn the Castle into a laboratory of ideas, searches, debates on the "Contemporary".
The starting point is Castel Sant' Elmo with the "Novecento a Napoli" Museum (1910-1980).

Subjects will range over a wide variety: from reflection on the Contemporary Art situation to the meaning of Public Art, from the modalities of art expression to the possibility to create a Contemporary Art Net in the South of Italy.
The purpose is to allow a more immediate access to the contemporary art language.

The timetable, that will intensify on the occasion of the "Culture Week" (14th-22th April 2012), will continue until May.


Castel Sant'Elmo

Via Tito Angelini, 22, 80129 - Napoli

Tel. +39.081.2294401
Fax +39.081.2294498
email: sspsae-na.santelmo@beniculturali.it