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Amazone: Rita Esposito's painting exhibition

Sale delle Terrazze del Castel dell'Ovo (Egg Castle's Terraces Halls), 5th-22th July 2012

Lineadarte Officina Creativa Artistic-cultural Association promotes Rita Esposito's Amazone by Giovanna Donnarumma, Gennaro Ippolito e Daniele Galdiero.


Inauguration on Thursday 5th July at 5.30 p.m.

"Who are the Amazons now?
Which women are vigorous and furious warriors who fight fears of our times?
You recognize them observing their proud expressions, their openly faces, the way they show their humanity, the feminine sacred.
Proud women with left breast uncovered.
Proud expression like an arrow which hits visitors' consciences.
The left breast is a symbol of bravery and passion and, shown with consciousness, is a monition to women who prefer to wear a costume of Lie."
Rita Esposito

 Rita Esposito, artist and architect, was born in 1968 in Naples, where lives and works. In this occasion she presents herself to public as a painter being partial to oil painting.
In collaboration with Lineadarte Officina Creativa Association she presents a new completely personal Cultural Project in continuation of many other previous national and international events where she took part as a figurative artist.
This artistic event is a representation of the moral stature and the fortitude of Women who are modern Amazons opposed with all their strenght to everything against the Truth.

Sale delle Terrazze di Castel dell'Ovo, 5 - 22nd July 2012
Visiting Hours: from Monday to Saturday - 9 a.m. to7 p.m.
On Sundays and holidays: 9 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.
Admission is free
Lineadarte Officina Creativa
0039 0815494271
Rita Esposito
0039 0817142500