"Sportsforall Lungomare Caracciolo" promoted by the Department of Sport - Municipality of Naples and the UISP Comitato Regionale Campania for promoting the "Toronto Charter", isn't only a sport event. It's a mounting of a "Villaggio dello Sportpertutti" ("Village of Sportsforall"): "citizens of sport" will find also a sport offer with tournaments and performances ("Summerbasket 2012" - "l'Arrampicata Sportiva" -" Sport Climbing" - on a 8 meter wall and "La Notte Bianca del Tennis" - "Tennis Sleepless Night"). Citizens will find in particular a Community, a place which shoots to aggregate a citizens community for the right to Sport as an instrument for human formation and healthcare, conveying information and operational instruments.
The "Toronto Charter" Days, through "Prova lo Sport" ("TrySport") formula, will give to all sports citizens the chance to approach to various sport disciplines: tennis, sailing, riding bike, swimming, walking, skating, basket, cricket, chess.
In these days the event will attach great importance to themes of: