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Singles for the Summer

New Neapolitan rap lands at the PAN

On Friday 13th July at 5.30 p.m.

At the prestigious PAN museum of Naples Davide Nicosia, a young rapper coming from San Giorgio a Cremano, will present his new discographic work: "I singoli per l'Estate" ("Singles for the Summer").  During the meeting the artist, a clear ideas and good hopes twenty-year-old, will perform three songs included in his music project. One of his works is "Non l'ho mai detto", which video shot on the Seafront Caracciolo shows the artist playing some characters. Davide Nicosia, who links his theatre studies with musical compositions and live performances, has collaborated in this record with two excellent artists, Clementino e Nazo.

From 13th July, the show-case day, three songs ("Non l'ho mai detto", "Una canzone estiva" e "Napoletanpower" ) which compose Davide's project and bring forward his album release, will be available in free download.   

Free Admission while seats last
Events Organization
email: HermesComunicazione@gmail.com
Gianmarco Cesario (3920368070)
Antonio Mocciola (3920368048)