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Memories of the Future

Borbonic Tunnel - via Domenico Morelli, 40 - Naples

From  Friday 13th July 2012 there is an exhibition of the master Elio Mazzella's artworks in the suggestive background of the Tunnel Borbonico (Borbonic Tunnel). This exhibition, promoted by Oltre il Chiostro Onlus Association and by the A.R.C.A. - Religious Contemporary Art Museum, under the patronage of the Department of Culture of Naples Municipality - recalls the dramatic way of war memories guarded in the historical tophus-heart of Partenope.

The theater of war is the terrible Battle of San Pietro Infine which, on December 1943, in the epilogue of the bloody Second World War, scarred indelibly all the valley near the Abbey of Montecassino. The creative weaving between the historical memories of human conflicts and the redemption of human souls express itself in a proposition of anthropic figures in unstable balance between the buried past and the present rich of future responsibilities. Therefore Mazzella's exhibition is not only a recollection of our past but also a provocation for civil and cultural conscience in our times.

Memories of the Future
Click to enlarge picture

The Neapolitan Master Elio Mazzella for several years has dedicated part of his production to the retrieval of war finds kept for postwar decades in the bowels of a country between Campania, Latium and Molise.

"Memories of the Future" will be visitable from Friday to Sunday. Holidays times: 10,00 - 12,00 - 15,30 - 17,30

For more information:

Oltre Il Chiostro Onlus Association
Administration office of the event: Tel. 0815521597 - 0815523298 - 0810143583
cultura@oltreilchiostro.org - www.oltreilchiostro.org

Borbonic Tunnel - Associazione Borbonica Sotterranea (Underground Borbonic Association)
Tel. 0817645808 - 3662484151
mail@tunnelborbonico.info www.tunneborbonico.info