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A guided tour at roman theater of Naples


From 2003 it's taking place the project of excavation and valorisation of western sector of theater, arranged by Special Superintendence for Archeological Amenities of Naples, Pompei and from Comune di Napoli: it's about a maintenance service of "urban archeology" that it's displaying the trasformation of the town since the modern age.

In the heart of ancient city centre of Neapolis, rises the quarter of theaters: an important historical complex dedicated to the musical and dramatic representations: the Odeion, a covered structure and the uncovered theater.

There was a careful work of recovery that revealed the building structure and the whole steps. Its measures make it similar to the medium- great theaters of Campania that can host more than 5000 spectators. Today we know about the monument, the two annular corridors "ambulacri" apon which there were rooms of service "cunei"; the access stairs to the high part of betterment (medium and summa cavea), the connecting rooms with lower sits reserved to famous peolpe (vomitoria) and a large space of the uncovered cavea.

The only visible part today it's dated I century AD, connected to the renovation of town after the eruptions of Vesuvio vulcan of 79 AD. At the beginning of V century, the monument looses its functions and goes thru a decline: waste materials cover its rooms and, at the same time, protect it from the weather. During dark ages, a part of them were filled up by sepulchre.

According to the evidences of peolpe, from the beginning of the Angevin age, the block was modified with the construction of buildings.

Permission for the tour it's allowed temporarily thanks to the Archeological Superintendence and from Comune di Napoli. 


The guided tour it's arranged by professional archaeologists from Apoikia sosciety, in association with Samoa enterprise, on saturday: at 9.30am, 10.00am, 11.00am and 12.00pm.
For school children it's possible arrange guided tour during the week, best on friday.
for further infoabout purchase and bookings: 3488009274 , Booking it's obligatory.
Guided tour starts from viaS. Paolo ai Tribunali, 4- Naples.