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Vuotociclo- Emptycycle III edition

Events at PAN | Palace of Arts Naples


Three saturday events in a row at PAN; free entrance at 5.00am 

Arranged by Agata Chiusano, Luisa Bocciero, Marco Coppola, Pina Meriano

6th october from 5.00pm - Conferences Room

"The first meeting will be on communication, art and memory. Professor Monteverdi will display new borders of theater on video and of video- theater, starting from the argument of Bertolt Brecht; Gaetano Coppola will tell the experience of sharing and involvement of mailart; then, the school of Tarantella of Montemarano will show the importance of keeping and disclosing traditions.
  1. Anna Maria Monteverdi: theater renewed by technology
  2. The anchor of Partenope (Gaetano Coppola): 
the recovery of mailing art during digital era.
  3. School of tarantella montemaranese (Roberto D'agnese): keep tradition on the web

13th october from 5.00pm - Conferences Room

Meeting of 13th will be dedicated to the theme of crossbreedings of art and, in particular, the first ancient form (of three) the theater. The new one: the video art. Both of them, by nature and expressive development, have had  crossbreedings and changings and the linguistic borders between art are always more ephemeral, closing to the total art opera. Enrico Tommaselli, director of decennial Festival of Videoarte Magmart will display a reflection on the video art development according a festival point of view, as research and language are changing thanks to the new technologies and as Italy's position in the worldwide situation.

The assosiation L'Ora d'aria will tell its personal path of crossbreedings between theater, video and music. "L'ora d'Aria" it's a cultural assosiation that works in audiovisual arts field and works on film production, theatrical and musical production. The assosiation's aim it's the diffusion of an "intellectual freedom" thru experimentation and didactics of different channels of communication according a different way compared to the system rules that manage the art world.'

  1. Enrico Tomaselli - Magmart:
 conference and screening video
  2. L'ora d'aria - Art Ass. theater: younghers and theater: "we are such stuff as dream are made on" (Lorenzo Cammisa and Giovanni Antinolfi)

20th october from 5.00pm - PAN room

The third and last meetings will be about the ending day on experience of third edition of "Vuotociclo" (Empycycle). The WHAT'S UP group will present the material played during the work shop that will take place on saturday 13th at Castel dell'Ovo with some characters that gave a contribution to the achievement of "What's up?", the web series and its experience told by Fabrizio Nigro, Patrizio Garofalo, Giovanna Perrotta, Armando Perrotta.
Creator and director of project, author of texts and drawings it's Marco Bragaglia, an artist known for its works of art video, advertisment and theatrical directions.

 Bragaglia comes back, to this project (LKS), to explore new expressive languages of its first great love: drawing. A further artistic path made of black, paper and visions. Drawings born to a casual sign that grow up slowly, small being provided of one's life, dreams on paper, notes, sketches, completed work... travels companion of this project are DJ always different, actors and musiciants, whose sound suggestions inspire artistic live improvisation by Marco Bragaglia.

Watch a video about the project:
  1. What's Up cast (Francesco Garofalo):
 Presentation of documentation realized during "VUOTOCICLO AND WORKSHOP
  2. Marco Bragaglia: 
Love kills slowy - Live dreaming performance + Dj Set