The Gulf of Naples with its touristic attractives, its economics possibilities and development of traffics, has all the characteristics to collect all the territorial realities that take on the line of the coast and on its islands in a web system that gives efficiency and enthusiasm to all the economic activities about it.
The Gulf, for its geographic location and its potentiality of development, must have an important position in maritime activities that belong to the Mediterranen sea about the traffic in basin countries and for those that come from other continents, via Suez and Gibraltar.
The beneficial influence of maritime traffic development, realizing this web, will be about communities coast and the hinterland one.
To reach this aim, it will be necessary break the barrier that separates the interested communities and their cultural relationship with the resource reality.
That's the aim of our talk. We believe that, from the comparison between entrepreneurs, trade unions, pubblic and administrative structures, the accademic and professional world, with the authorative presence of representatives of Goverment, perspectives and hypothesis of development can come out and verify periodically because in our working plan is forecast the periodical convocation of this talk.
The focus of attention it's the common good, convinced that for its achievement it's necessary put into play all the political, economic and structural resources we have.
Giovanni Formisano
Presidente of V Commission
Mobility and Infrastructures