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8 it's the perfect number

Interactive exhibition on the eight targets of millennium

8 it's the perfect number
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PAN from 22th to 30th november 2012
On the occasion of project " Education to Development " : territorial strategies for a global challenge", sponsored by European Commission, the Ong LTM, in association with Comune di Napoli, Servizio Cooperazione localized, Legality and Peace, will realize the touring exhibition " 8 it's the perfect number" that will involve every chef city of Regione Campania, stopping for a week in every base.

The exhibition was born to sensitize and take part in Targets of Millennium, the biggest number of people, considering both who will be visitor and who will know about it, thru communications medium. To reach these targets it works for a broad use of opportunities offered by multimedia technologies particularly effectives when they are in the service of disclosure, especially about youngers.

The exhibition it's arranged in a route "island" characterized by thematic installations, where kids will test pathetically problems about imbalances between Northern and Southern of World and they will know about Targets of Millennium and about the role that everyone can have to reach that aim. The installations will be characterized by videos, sound, elements of infographic, multimedia and photographic pannels, drawings, where kids will be invited ,thru the game and interactivity, to think about the topics.

The whole Exhibition will be committed to operators of communications that, during the first part of project, have attented the High Training Course in Development Education at University of Studies of Napoli L'Orientale and took part at a Work Experience in Africa.

The exhibition will be in Naples from 22th to 30th november 2012 at the PAN and will be open with participation of a series of guests of Benin, composed by officials, professors, intelletuals and journalists, involved in the Targets of Millennium: officials of UE, of region, of Comune di Napoli, of Univeristy, Associations and Partner school of project. Will take part the Mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris, the Assessor to the Culture, Antonella Di Nocera, the Assessor to Education, Annamaria Palmieri.