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5° Festival of Cinema of Human Rights of Naples

Human Rights Film Network

5th-17th November 2012

Two weeks of screening following by meetings, talks, reading, exhibition and performance about universal rights organized in cinema, halls unconventional, library, university and pubblic school. Among several guests, witnesses of denied rights from the fourth contest of the world, directors, journalists and sociologist.
Two competitions, of which one for film- makers and one for schools.
Lights on human rights in Naples.
From monday 5th to saturday 17th november different places of city and of the province, will host the film screenings and the initiatives of Festival del Cinema dei Diritti Umani di Napoli, at its fifth edition with Patronage of Comune di Napoli and realized, thanks to the voluntary job of dozen of neapolitan associations coordinated by "Cinema and Rights ".
The Festival that, since 2010, it's part of Human Rights Film Network, the network that links 30 festivals of Cinema and Human Rights, suggests a film show and reflection about universal rights and every year decides to pay attention on neglected topic.

In addition to the works in contest, lot's of them in program, from FINESTRA SU BUENOS AIRES that for the first time, in three soireé, 6 films of Festival DerHumALC of Buenos Aires to tell the current argentinian after ten years of economic default, going for Verdades verdaderas by N. Gil Lavedra about the story of Estela Carlotto, until the soireé on "CINEMA DELL'EMIGRAZIONE" by Cineteca of Bologna.
Several talks in program. Round Table about  torture, started off officially to the festival that will face different topics as "Land Grabbing", slavery, identity of territory, unitl the violence on women. Several meetings in schools, as those one on foodstuffs sovereignity or those one dedicated to film- didactic and multimedia. To signal the meeting of network Human Rights Film Network on friday 9th november and the Forum of activists of neapolitans Ong , events that confirm the connection between cinema and rights.

Fil rouge that keeps closer several talks within operators and film in program, two contests, that one cinematic and that one for schools.
Over hundred works took part to the selections for two official sections of cinematic contest, that one dedicated to the world of Documentary Cinema (Human Rights Doc) and the other reserved to Short fims (Human Rights Shorts). To judge the films will be the Official Jury composed by Francesca Amitrano, Angelo Curti, Antonietta De Lillo, Luca Rossomando and Florencia Santucho, that will decree the winners of two sections and its economic award raffied off from Festival to participate to the XV edizione of Festival DerHumALC of Buenos Aires in 2013. For the first time, the Jury of Yong, composed by university student, will give its own special mention, while the Committee of Selection of Festival, will give the "Special Mention Vittorio Arrigoni and Juliano Mer-Khamis" to the original and brave opera.
Youngers who took part to the second edition of Contest reserved to the schools of Campania, tested themselves with the identity of territory. Every school had to elaborate critics writings and the scripts about cinematography in a social background. The contest, called "The School for Europe, Rights and Cinema", got the Patronage of MIUR - Regional Office for Campania

 Info: www.cinenapolidiritti.it