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First Exhibition MUSEOUNDER14 contemporary art

PAN | Palazzo Arti Napoli - from 5 to 23 december 2012 - Foyer

Press preview: 5th december at 11,00am
Vernissage: 5th december at 6,00pm


With the moral Patronage: Regione Campania - Provincia di Napoli - Comune di Napoli supported by the Assessor of Culture and Tourism and Education Department - M.I.U.R. U.S.R. for Directorate General- Journalist Association of Campania - "Assostampa Campania Gruppoassociatipubblitaf advertising" - Comune di Villaricca

 "MUSEOUNDER14 artecontemporanea" it's the  exhibition of works realized by whole generation of very young students from Elementary School of Comune di Villaricca - Comune di Pozzuoli and Comune di Bacoli.
At Pan, from 5th to 23th december, will be visible two hundred artworks: paintings, collage and sculputures, by Giuseppe Panariello.
Opening Exhibititon from 6.00pm, on wednesday 5th december.
Will take part Giuseppe Panariello, Ottavio Lucarelli - president of Journalist Association of Campania; Antonella Di Nocera Assessor to the Culture and Tourism of Comune di Napoli; Annamaria Palmieri, Education Department of Comune di Napoli; Domenico Falco vice- president of Journalist Association of Campania; Antonietta Biondi school head s.m.s. "Giancarlo Siani"; Francesco Gaudieri Mayor of Villaricca; Armida Parisi journalist of"ROMA" newspaper, Donatella Trotta journalist of "Il Mattino" newspaper; Renata Caragliani journalist of Repubblica newspaper.
MUSEOUNDER14 contemporary art it's the result of a thirty- year period lived with many youngers that have worked in freedom.

Artistically this virtual Museum it's dedicated to them, to their wonderful age, so full of interests and creative skills and to their love for contemporary art. It was easy for them, using modern art's shapes and colors to express it with semplicity into the more natural way: a human gesture, supporting by an artistic instrument, pencil, pen, felt-tip, crayon, colors, can explain in a visible and durable way what emotion, thought and imagination elaborate during one's life.
Il MUSEOUNDER14 contemporary art not as place, where artworks are collected, but in a place where collection of artworks it's together with works of studying, researching, social pleasure and above all, of safeguard, support and knowledge of reality. The world of art it's not something separated from the practical world anymore, but it's considered a mixture of both of them.
"The idea of creating it physically, with the help of everybody".

Cultural association onlus - via consolare campana 258 - 80010 Villaricca (NA) - info 347 8116190
 www.quelfiloblu.it  -www.museounder14.it