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For people of Mali

From December, 19th to January, 6th 2014 at PAN

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"Scaramuzzino" are not professional photographers, but they are lovers of the images seen and heard as a language. Their narrative is a pleasure that at the same time satisfies the and delays knowledge.
The images are strong and alive, but they become ambiguous and evanescent as soon as youtry to turn them into signs. These photographs express, through strong contrasts, "the fundamental character" of the subject, not a temporary feature.
The emotion they contain and evoke is not due to chance, but to a continuous research of human relationships. These relationships are expressed or suggested by force.
Theirimages are living because they condense a great complexity, extreme richness oflife, exchanges, conflicts, agreements, meetings, confrontations.
You can not touch with a quick look the photos, you have to read them, let it unfold.
When youlet the image live, you will discover little by little that it makes us seemore of what you thought you saw. It is a "movement", which affectsour eyes, our superficial and deep sensibility, our emotions. "Scaramuzzino" 's aim is to develop the movements of the soul and those subtle or violent relationships that are established between people.
Thiscollection is a search pattern, it is the story of a mental process, the samewhich leads to guess the double Timeline: astronomical time compared toeternity, to the cyclical nature, the endless repetition of the events.
The characters of the images have vitality and tenacious survival that belongs to types of highly complex and diverse culture, capable of an incredible varietyof attitudes.
They evokethe beginning of supreme time, live, present and endless figures.
Let's lookat the picture, it looks at us. The dialogue is going to begin.
(Antonella Scorza)

 (489.53 KB)Download the Invitation (489.53 KB).