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"The Dream of Painting", a retrospective of the Neapolitan artist Salvatore Morra Supino

Arti Decorative Gallery, Naples


Opening on Saturday, January 18th at 6.00 p.m.


The exhibition, devoted tothe 80th anniversary of Supino's birth and to the 5th year of his death, isorganized by the historian and art critic Federica De Rosa, Professor ofHistory of Art at the Academy of Fine Arts of Naples. The exhibition covers, throughtwenty works, Supino's production from the 60's till 2000.
Through this exhibition, theArti Decorative Gallery (which was first founded in 2010 by Alessandro Malgieriat Vicoletto Ischitella), continues the exploration of some artistic pursuitsthat operated in Naples and that, even being characterized by a highlyexpressive and elaborate linguistic consistency, have not received a historicalorganization yet.
Salvatore Morra Supino(Naples 02.07.1934 - 30.12.2008), a Neapolitan artist who, gave shape withpassion and dedication to an interesting pictorial experience. Despite hisintense activity, especially between the 70's and the early 90's, hisproduction has not received yet a definitive historical collocation and aprecise hermeneutics arrangement.

The exhibition, sponsored bythe Councillorship of Culture of Naples, will be open from Saturday, January 18th (opening at 6.00 p.m.) till Saturday,February,1st 2014. Opening hours: from Monday to Saturday, from 10.00 a.m. to1.00 p.m. and from 4.00 to 7.30 p.m.