"The night of lovers in Naples" is an event organized by the Councillorship of Culture and Tourism of Naples, together with the Academy of Fine Arts and in collaboration with the superintendents, museums, cultural institutions and tour operators. This event, whose main aimis to let people to fall in love in Naples and with the city itself, representsan invitation to tourist to visit Naples and its attractions. For "Nightof the lovers in Naples" many museums of the city will be open toappreciate all those works of art related to love. Guided tours and much moreactivities will take place during this day. The symbol of this event will be abeating bright red heart made by the School of the School of New Media Art ofthe Fine Arts Academy of Naples. The heart will be installed on February, 14th in a panoramic position visible from all the streets of the city.
Some events:
Academy of Fine Arts of Naples
ViaS. Maria of Costantinopoli 107
from 7.30 p.m. to 11.30 p.m.
NTA - PULSazioni
WORDS OF LOVE (Parole d'Amore) Rino Squillante, Painting class
SHOTS FROM THE HEART - School of Photography
CHARMS OF ART visits to the Gallery
Castel dell'Ovo
Via Eldorado, 3
until March, 1st
Attersee-Nitsch "Duet for Naples"
Exhibition of the two Austrian artists who have always been fond to Naples
Pan | Palazzo delle Arti Napoli
Viadei Mille, 60
at 5.30 p.m.
Review "The red sun of Middle East and of Caucasus"
Projection of the movie "Women Without Men" by ShirinNesha
Plot: In the Women WithoutMen film, renowned visual artist Shirin Neshat offers an exquisitely craftedview of women rights today in Iran as compared to Iran in 1953, when a British-and American-backed coup removed the democratically elected government. The Women Without Men movie was Adapted from the novel by Iranian author ShahrnushParsipur, the film weaves together the stories of four individual women duringthose traumatic days, whose experiences are shaped by their faith and thesocial structures in place.
at 8.00 p.m.
Merolla and Veno duet
concert by Sun Jesce
Gloss Graphic Novel
until February, 28th
Gloss, the journalistFrancesca Sognamiglio Petino's novel becomes a graphic novel written by Rosaand Carlotta Crepax.
Attractive Images (Seducenti Immagini)
from January, 24th tillFebruary, 28th 2014
Inaugurationat 6.00 p.m.
Exhibitionby Aniello Barone, Raffaele Canoro, Peppe Capasso, Giovanni Di Capua,
MarcelloDi Donato, Fabio Donato, Salvatore Emblema, Mario Franco, Costabile Guariglia
Giuseppe La Mura. Organizedand curated by the contemporary art gallery space with Nea with
Città della Scienza
ViaCoroglio, 104, 57
from 8.00 p.m. till midnight
Special opening withexhibitions, interactive installations, observations of the Moon andinteresting laboratories.
Love: when passion comes from the brain
It will be the guided tourby Brain "The World into your mind". Along the exhibition there willbe many surprises, one special helmet for the emotional affinity pair byE-volution and SAEL. It will involve the audience in a test based on strongemotions.
Love pins + app + Instant Love show
Tour realized by Enjinia, though,a microchips will guide step by step all the lovers who will visit Città dellaScienza. LumiLab will develop a LOVE app for the audience of this even, on theother hand, Chiara Scarpitti and her Instant Show will present a new line of jewelry.
NATURE IN LOVE(Natura Innamorata)
It will be possible todiscover the rules of love of insects and plants
Taste of Science
It will be possible toexplore many scientific phenomena that surround us in everyday life.
Info: www.cittadellascienza.it
San Gennaro's Treasure Museum
Via Duomo, 149
Special opening hours until midnight
From 6.00 p.m. the event "Raccontare l'Arte" will organize a literary tour on two themes, Fire and Passion.
Admission: reduced 3 forall day long
Info:081421651 | info@museosangennaro.com | www.museosangennaro.com
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