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Contemporary art prize, "The Eternal Feminine"

San Severo al Pendino, from February, 27th to March, 13th 2014

Every artistic event involves commitment, dedication and passion. In this first edition of the Contemporary Art Prize, the Association Arianna wants to open itself todifferent artistic realities, promoting art and its forms of expression, celebrating the exchange and the meeting of ideas.

The aim of the prize, is to give young artist the possibility to become known to the world of collectors, curators and other art professionals. The Prize is open to professional and emerging artists, students, national and international artists without limit of age.

The Prize is not subdivided into sections, there will be only one winner among those who will take part to the contest. Each artist can submit up to a maximumof 2 works.



Via Duomo, 286 - Napoli - tel. 081 7956423
Orario: dal lunedì al sabato ore 9,00 -18,30
Ingresso gratuito
come si raggiunge:
- autobus R2, E1
- Metropolitana Linea 1 stazione Museo
- Metropolitana Linea 2 stazione piazza Cavour


The Contest
"The Eternal Feminine" is the term used by Goethe in "Faust" to indicate the eternal and immutable characteristics of feminine charm and of femininity as well. By femininity we mean the set of attributes peculiar to women and all those qualities that characterize the behaviour of the soul. Femininity is an inner condition and a personal state that must be read between the lines. In occasion of the Artistic Review "Donna" (Woman), that will take in Naples in March, there will be an exhibition on this theme.
The exhibition will take place from February, 27th to March, 13th 2014
Inauguration day Saturday, March 1st 2014 at 5.30 pm
San Severo Complex, Naples. The San Severo Complex is a monumental church in Naples. The fine structure hosts concerts, exhibitions and cultural events. The church is in the historic center of Naples, in Via Duomo. The church was built in 1575 with the adjoining hospital of Santa Maria a Selice. In 1818 the building was used as the first State Archive. During the last war (1940-1945), the complex was used as a bombs helter, then it was abandoned. The restoration of the complex was started in the 70's by the Superintendence of Naples. The reuse of the monument took place in compliance with the existing artistic and historical values. The interior ofthe structure is enriched by decorations made in the 18th century. More elements of the monument can be dated back to the 18th century: the main altar in polychrome marble and Giovanni Alfonso Bisvallo's tomb, which was sculpted by Girolamo D'Auria in 1617 and that originally should have hosted Luca Giordano's painting.
Hours: from Monday to Saturday from 9.00 am to 7.00 pm
Via Duomo 286
The Jury
Carlo Roberto Sciascia, Art Critic
Imma Maddaloni, Arianna DC President
Maria Mezzina, critic, journalist, editor
Massimo Doriani, psychologist, psychotherapist
Tania Sabatino, journalist and sociologist