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Fairy Tales & Mermaids

From Wednesday, February 12th, eleven new standards will illuminate the facade of Palazzo Roccella, home of the PAN, Palazzo delle Arti Napoli for the exhibition "Fairies and Mermaids", an exhibition curated by Beppe Palomba for the Accademia della Bussola and a part of the series "Spazi Interstiziali" (Interstitial Spaces). The exhibition involves a display of large banners that come down from the third floor and that cover the facade of the PAN. The images of the banners createdby prestigious artists, invent a new way to understand the relationship between Art and the social utility.

After "Briganti", here you are "Fairies & Mermaids", once again a show outside the building, a different way of exposing the Arts, bringing it directly under the eyes of the users, with no filters or barriers, bringing together the works and the public spaces that may seem unusual for visual works. The exhibition tries to create a new exhibition space outside the museums, so that, the most distracted passantas well can be brought to visit the museum to discover beauty and creativity.
The theme of this meeting is imagination, creativity, an element that is inevitably involved when dealing with Fairies, Myths and Mermaids.
This exhibition can be considered an example of recovery of the culture of fairy tales, legends and myths, and of imagination through the works of art that hint the world of fairy tales, Myth and a filtered rereading through a disenchanted sensitivity.
Mermaids and fairy tales are here reinterpreted and compared to the desire of evasion. Indeed, the Mermaid is a dream, avision, a charm, a fascination, an unfulfilled promise, a seduction.
Mermaids are emblematic beings of what is inaccesibile and that at the same time attracts, fascinates and seduces.
The artists involved are Lorenzo Cataneo, Dario de Cristofaro, Federica Filippi, Giancarlo Frezza, MarioGianquitto, Carmen Lietz, Elisabetta Palmieri, Flora Palumbo, Angela Raimondi,Celeste Salemi, Loredana Salzano and Anita Scola. The artists interpreted the theme with different types of techniques, painting, digital photo and they created works of great impact.
The original sketches will be on display in the Sala del Pianoforte at the PAN from February, 12th to February, 20th.
The exhibition will be inaugurated onWednesday, February 12th at 5.00pm and will remain visible on the facade until February, 20th.
Beppe Palomba
tel 333 7325429 - 348 2254915
tel/fax 081 2589083 