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Refuge for battered women

Violence against women has no time or boundaries, it is endemic, structural, moreover it crosses every nation or country, industrialized and emerging too. It does not belong to a class or to a specific socio-cultural context. 
Violence against women contaminates the intimate places and our spaces as well: in fact, in many situations, the greatest risk is represented by husbands, partners and fathers, friends, neighbors and closest acquaintances as well. Violence against women is not only made ​​of femicide or beatings but also of psychological violence, intimidation, humiliation, harassment that make woman's life tiring and unbearable. Another type of violence can be mantioned, the economic one; it includes the control of the salary, the prohibition to work, the impossibility to take in autonomy economic decisions.
Moreover, there is another example of violence, the one which condiders the female sexuality as a sexuality of service. 
Violence against women is a liar and a hypocrite, it masquerades itself behind too much love, behind sentences as "I can't live without you", behind a distorted idea of feelings and relationships.
There are many women who suffer in silence the violence, who can not react, who believe that they deserve the treatment they receive. They are prohibeted to experiece any type of self-esteem.
A way out is possible. 
The refuge "Fiorinda" is the place where homeyness and solidarity are the leitmotif, a place where women can escape from violence they experienced. Fiorinda is a place where the most unspeakable violence can be heard and where it is possible to find answers to the cause of domestic violence, a place where words can be transformed into projects.
 (3 MB)Download the Brochure (3 MB).
  1. support for women exposed to violence
  2. protection
  3. individualized programs
  4. accompanying services
  5. educational activities and workshops forwomen and children
  6. psychological support for women andchildren
  7. parenting support
  8. counseling and legal support
  9. orientation and integrationprograms/rehabilitation
  10. support for the search of a home
  11. linguistic and cultural mediation
For emergencies call the toll free number 1522


  1. Centro Donna (Women's Center) - City of Naples - Servizio Contrasto delle Nuove Povertà e Rete delle Emergenze Sociali (Service for the Contrast of New Poverties and Social Emergency Networks) Tel 081 795319 - centrodonna@comune.napoli.it
  2. The Refuge Florinda in open 24/7 tel. 0810172883 - accoglienza@coopdedalus.it
  3. For emergencies call the toll free number 1522