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"Enoch Arden", melodrama for narrator and piano

Tuesday, March 4th, 2014 at 7.30pm - San Domenico Maggiore Convent

The Neapolitan Academy of Music
founded in 1933 by Alfredo Casella
in occasion of the Richard Strauss's 150th anniversary of the birth
Enoch Arden
melodrama for narrator and piano op 38 from the poem by Alfred Tennyson
Paola Pitagora

In occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of German composer Richard Strauss, Massimo Fargnoli presents "Enoch Arden", melodrama for narrator and piano, with the participation of the actress Paola Pitagora and the pianist Alessandro Marangoni.
The event, organized by the Neapolitan Academy of Music (Italian glorious institution founded in 1933 byAlfredo Casella, governess from 1952 of the International Piano Competition) will take place at San Domenico Maggiore Convent. The Convent hosts "Una Mostra Impossibile" curated by Pietrasanta Association. The exhibition  can be visited bofore or after the concert. Under the patronage of the Department of Culture of Naples, the Concert intends to remember the burning of Città della Scienza, The Concert will take place at the Refectory Hall, with the contribution of Cariparma CrediteAgricole, in collaboration with Steinway & Sonsa, Ditta Alberto Napolitano of Piazza Carità in Naples (1840), Città della Scienza, Valenzi Foundation and Pietrasanta Association.
Tuesday, March 4th, 2014 at 7.30pm - San Domenico Maggiore Convent- Refectory Hall.

Admission: 20 Euros, the price of the ticket includes the entrance to the Exhibition and to the Concert
Info tel. 081 0102005

Sweet and heartwarming tale, Enoch Arden tells thestory of three children, Enoch ("a rude son of a sailor orphaned from ashipwreck"), Philipp ("the only son of the miller"), and Annie ("the prettiest girl in the small port ") who often play together onthe beach among the wreckage taken from the sea. Enoch and Philipp, once theyare teenagers, they fall in love with Annie. She prefers Enoch - now sailor - to Philipp, and she marries him. But one day Enoch starts a long journey ...
The love story is beautiful, simple, hard-edged but inwardly troubled, with ablunt flavor of legend. In the background the sea, with its ominous roar and obsessive, is the backdrop to the events of the characters and embodies the profound nature, inescapable, feelings and destiny. From the poem, a melodrama, a film, the subject "Enoch Arden" is a work of tremendous emotional impact as well as a perfect expression of the fin de siècle European Romanticism.



Tuesday, March 4th, 2014 at 7.30pm - San Domenico Maggiore Convent- Refectory Hall.
Admission: 20 Euros, the price of the ticket includes the entrance to the Exhibition and to the Concert
Info tel. 081 0102005
The San Domenico Maggiore convent will host till April, 21st the exhibition An "Impossible Exhibition", which  collects 117 paintings and frescoes by the three painters (Leonardo, Caravaggio and Raphael), works are protracted in a 1:1 scale and in a digital format.
For more info:
An "Impossible Exhibition"

Richard Strauss, Alfred Tennyson and "Enoch Arden"

Richard Strauss
The greatness of Richard Strauss lies in the way in which he maintained his romanticism in music, even while being part of one of the most chaotic ages of world history. In an age which was dominated by jet engines, television and atom bomb, Strauss established a very successful music career with numerous operas, orchestras, tone poems, ballet music and symphonies. His contributions to 20th century music were undeniably immense that they made him a great influencing force as well as a glorious summation of late romanticism. The fact that he enjoyed a successful career as a composer and internationally acclaimed conductor, and worked with some of the most prominent composers, artists and writers of his time is a testimony to his genius. The immense success which he enjoyed in the post-war era however faded as his physical and mental health deteriorated witnessing the unfortunate political turmoil and the consequent division of Germany.
Alfred Tennyson
Born on August 6, 1809, in Somersby, Lincolnshire, England, Alfred Tennyson is one of the most well-loved Victorian poets. Tennyson showed an early talent for writing. At the age of twelve he wrote a 6,000-line epic poem. His father, the Reverend George Tennyson, tutored his sons in classical and modern languages.
Tennyson escaped home in 1827 to attend Trinity College, Cambridge. In that same year, he and his brother Charles published Poems by Two Brothers. Although the poems in the book were mostly juvenilia, they attracted the attention of the"Apostles," an undergraduate literary club led by Arthur Hallam. The"Apostles" provided Tennyson, who was tremendously shy, with muchneeded friendship and confidence as a poet. Hallam and Tennyson became the best of friends; they toured Europe together in 1830 and again in 1832. Hallam's sudden death in 1833 greatly affected the young poet. The long elegy In Memoriam and many of Tennyson's other poems are tributes to Hallam.
In 1830, Tennyson published Poems, Chiefly Lyrical and in 1832 he published a second volume entitled simplyPoems. Some reviewers condemned these books as "affected" and "obscure."
At the age of 41, Tennyson had established himself as the most popular poet of the Victorian era. Tennyson died in 1892 and was buried in Westminster Abbey.
"Enoch Arden" (1864)
Enoch Arden, poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, published in 1864. In the poem, Enoch Arden is a happily married fisherman who suffers financial problems and becomes a merchant seaman. He is shipwrecked, and, after 10 years on a desert island, he returns home to discover that his beloved wife, believing him dead, has remarried and has a newchild. Not wishing to spoil his wife's happiness, he never lets her know that he is alive.
Long lines of cliff breaking have left a chasm;
And in the chasm are foam and yellow sands;
Beyond, red roofs about a narrow wharf
In cluster; then a moulder'd church; and higher
A long street climbs to one tall-tower'd mill;
And high in heaven behind it a gray down
With Danish barrows; and a hazelwood,
By autumn nutters haunted, flourishes
Green in a cuplike hollow of the down...
("Enoch Arden" by Alfred Tennyson)



"Enoch Arden", melodrama para narrador y piano

Martes, 4 de marzo 2014 a las 19:30 - Convento de San Domenico Maggiore

La Academia de la Música napolitana
fundada en 1933 por Alfredo Casella
el 150 º aniversario del nacimiento de
Richard Strauss
Enoch Arden
melodrama para narrador y piano op 38 del poema de Alfred Tennyson
Paola Pitagora
Alessandro Marangoni


Enocasión del 150° aniversario del nacimiento del compositor alemán Richard Strauss, Massimo Fargnoli presenta "Enoch Arden", melodrama para narrador y piano, con la participación de la actriz Paola Pitagora y el pianista Alessandro Marangoni.
Elevento, organizado por la Accademia Musicale Napoletana (gloriosa institución italiana fundada en 1933 por Alfredo Casella, institutriz en 1952 del Concurso Internacional de Piano) se desarrolla en el Convento de San Domenico Maggiore, donde además tendrá lugar "Una exhibición imposible", curada por la asociación de Pietrasanta, y que se puede visitar antes o después del concierto.

Promovido por el Departamento de Cultura de la Municipalidad de Nápoles, el evento quiere recordar, exactamente un año después, el incendo dela Ciudad de la Ciencia.

Con el aporte de Cariparma Credit Agricole, encolaboración con Steinway & Sons, Ciudad de la Ciencia, Fundación Valenzi y Asociación Pietrasanta.


Cuento dulce y reconfortante, Enoch Arden cuenta la historia de tres niños, Enoc ("un hijo grosero de un marinero huérfano de un naufragio"), Philipp ("el único hijo del molinero"), y Annie ("la chica más guapa dela pequeño puerto"), los tres a menudo juegan juntos en la playa entrelos restos extraídos del mar.
Una vez adolescentes, Philipp se enamora de Annie. Ella prefiere Enoc y se casa con él. Un día Enoc se embarca para un largo viaje... El resultado es una historia hermosa, simple, dura con un matiz de leyenda. En el fondo de la escena se coloca el mar con su rugido siniestro y obsesivo. El mar constituye el telón de fondo de los acontecimientos de los personajes y encarna la naturaleza profunda, ineludible, los sentimientos y el destino.
Poema, melodrama, película, el tema "Enoch Arden" es una obrade gran impacto emocional, así como una perfecta expresión del Romanticismo europero de fin de siècle.

Martes, 4 de marzo 2014 a las 19:30 - Convento de San Domenico Maggiore - Refectorio
Exposición y Concierto Euro 20,00 - Info 081 0102005
En el complejo monumental de San Domenico Maggiore hasta el próximo 21 de abril se podrá visitar "Una exposición imposible" que presenta ciento diecisiete pinturas y frescos de los tres grandes artistas jugado estrictamente en escala 1:1 y con una resolución muy alta.
Visitela página de la iniciativa