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Pollicinella - songs and sounds of a myth

Domus Ars - Cultural Center, March 7th and 8th at 9.00pm


A concert and a performance that describes, through popular songs, fragments of poetry and plays, the birth and the myth of Pulcinella, the Neapolitan mask. For thousands of years, our land produces through the sounds and gestures of his psychopomp Hermes, Pulcinella, the emblematic image of a fragile, melancholic, ironic, poetic, singing nation, always in a state of perpetual childlike wonder, but that for its nature is able to smile, move and enchant.
The repertoire of tradition strictly "oral" tied to mask starts from the song on the drum and its mysterious descent from the sacred animal in Campania: the hen. From its animal inception it arrives at a slower civil and organized acquisition that unfolds in anonymous texts of the 16th and 17th century.
With Mario Brancaccio, Patrizia Spinosi, Michele Amoroso, Maurizio Murano, Federica Cecoro, Biagio De Prisco, Maurizio Graziano, the Chorale for San Giovanni of "Figli in Famiglia" Onlus by Carmela Manco, Michele Bonè, Roberto Giangrande, Gianluca Mercurio, Pasquale Nocerino.
For more information and booking:
infoeventi@domusars.it- ​​081 3425603


Domus Ars
San Francesco delle Monache Church
Via Santa Chiara , 10 Naples


Pulcinella was born inNaples, in the South of Italy, during the second half of the XVI century. It was invented by the actor Silvio Fiorillo, for the Commedia dell' Arte. This mask, however, roots its origins in an even more distant past, as it recalls some characters of Latin fables. By analyzing the etymology of the name Pulicinella, as it is called in Neapolitan, we immediately think about the Latin word pullicinellus,  a character created by Horace. The galletto, who had some physical features which made him look like a cockerel-  a hump and a sharp nose, for instance- was also known for his awkward behavior. These are all traits that Pulcinella inherited from his Latin ancestor. The fact that  linguists came to associate the name Pulcinella to a pulcinello, a little chick, seems to prove the Roman origin of Pulcinella himself; however, others are more inclined to believe the mask was inspired by a theatre jester actor named Puccio d'Aniello. The origins of the mask, the etymology of its name and the inspiration for its creation still remain very much a mystery, albeit the distinguishing features of the character are well outlined and have changed very little throughout the centuries. Pulcinella is renowned for his clothes: a large white shirt and white trousers, a black belt on his waist, black shoes, a white hood and a black mask covering his face. He has a curved nose and some wrinkles on his forehead that gives him a funny expression. Apart from being a very famous Carnival mask, what makes Pulcinella really interesting are his social and cultural components: his figure and behavior are so well established  that his name is often used to describe real people bearing the same traits. Pulcinella is alazy and sneaky servant, who walks in an awkward way, gesticulates excessivelyand tends to show his happiness by outlandishly dancing, hopping and shouting. He likes living life day by day, exploiting every situation, often pretendingto be poor, or rich or a thief, depending on what his aims are. He is spontaneous, simple, friendly, funny, talkative, adventurous, melancholic, feisty and very unreliable.



Pollicinella - canciones y sonidos de un mito

Domus Ars - Centro Cívico, del 7 al 8 de marzo a las 21.00 horas

Un concierto y un espectáculo que describe, a través de canciones populares, fragmentos de poesíay obras de teatro, el mito del nacimiento de la máscara de Pulcinella. Durantemiles de años, nuestra tierra "bailarina" ha producido los sonidos y los gestos de su psicopompa Hermes, Pulcinella, la imagen emblemática de un pueblo frágil y melancólico, irónico y poético. Se trata de un pueblo que se encuentra en un estado de asombro infantil perpetuo, pero eso sólo por su naturaleza, capaz de sonreír, mover y enCantar.
El repertorio de la tradición estrictamente "oral" de las máscaras nasce de la canción en el tambor y de su descenso misterioso del sagrado animal de Campania: la gallina. De su nacimiento animal, llegamos a un adquisición civil que se desarrolla en los textos anónimos del siglo 16 y 17.

Con Mario Brancaccio, Patrizia Spinosi, Michele Amoroso, Maurizio Murano, Federica Cecoro, Biagio DePrisco, Maurizio Graziano, la Coral de San Giovanni de "Figli in Famiglia"Onlus de Carmela Manco, Michele Bonè, Roberto Giangrande, Gianluca Mercurio, Pasquale Nocerino.

Para información o reservas
infoeventi@domusars.it- ​​081 3425603


Domus Ars
Iglesia de San Francesco delle Monache
Via Santa Chiara, 10 Nápoles

Su nombre completo es Pulcinella Cetrulo (cetrulo = tonto). Se desarrollaron muchas variantes regionales de Pulcinella por Europa, es decir, Polichinelle en Francia, en Alemania es conocido como Hanswurst o Kasper; Toneelgek o Ene Klaassen en Holanda, Kasperleen Austria, en Dinamarca se le llama Mester Jakel, Karagoz en Turquía y Sr. Punch (Ponche - Bebida) en Inglaterra, en Rumania es Vasilache; en Hungríase le conoce como Vitéz László, en España se le conoció como Don Cristóbal. Pero quizás más conocida es la versión rusa, Petrushka (famoso por los ballets de Igor Stravinsky Pulcinella y Petrushka).
El personaje fue bien acogido en Francia y Europa hasta que aparece en escena el personaje de Guignol, que será la causa de su declive. Su característica principal, es su nariz sumamente larga que se parece un pico. De ella deriva su nombre; de pullus (Pollo) surge pulcino (polluelo) hasta ser Pulliciniello y finalmente Pulcinella. Aunque existen otras versiones sobre el origen del nombre, tenemos que un campesino del nombre de Puccio d'Aniello, que fue arrestado y retratado con una nariz larga. Otros dicen que recibe el nombre de su creador, Paolo Cinelli, famoso comediante originario del Nápoles del siglo XVI. Pulcinella es el filosófico y soñador representante de la cultura napolitana Representa una burla a la clase obrera de Nápoles, es por ello el único siervo que procede de otra región de Italia. Era el único personaje que prácticamente hablaba de política. Es un hombre que tiene muy poco que perder. Su espíritu no tiene tensión, nada lo desespera, su acercamiento melancólico de la vida le hace navegar cerca de los problemas, las situaciones y las aventuras, saliendo al final de todas demanera simple, tal como él se involucró. Representa a veces un acercamiento positivo a la vida.