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Contest "fotografi...amo Napoli"

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Pastorale Universitaria and the Association "Napoli Terra del Sud" announce the contest "Fotografi..Amo Napoli". Through the images taken by the young talents, the contest aims to sensitize citizens towards a culture of responsibility in relation to the artistic and cultural heritage of our city. Borrowing the assertion of the FAI Honorary President, Giulia Maria Crespi Mozzoni, "We defend what we love and we love what we know", the initiative aims to raise awareness of the beauty of Naples potersene fall in love more and more and feel responsible for their protection.
Citizens have the responsability to protect the important artistic, cultural and historical heritage of the city, giving the right value to the beauty of the places that belong to us and to the whole humanity as well. Thanks to the collaboration with the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Municipality of Naples, the exhibition will be also included among the initiatives of the "May of Monuments 2014" and among those of the Forum of Cultures.

On the websites www.chiesadinapoli.it and www.ziffarelli.it it is possible to download the call for participation, the registration form and poster advertising. The photos must be sent to the email address web@zifarelli.it by April 19th, 2014. The 30 finalist images will be part of an exhibition that will be held in May, 6th-11th in the monumental complex of San Lorenzo Maggiore. The winner will receive a digital SLR Canon Camera 1100 offered by Camera Service.