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Walk of Life of Naples

Walk of Life is an event organized by Telethon throughout the whole Italian territory to bring a strong message of solidarity and to raise more funds for scientific research on genetic diseases and give a concrete answer of care to those who suffers .
You can participate to the Walk of Life taking part to the competitive 6 miles race or to the non-competitive walk of 3 or 1,5 miles. Four stages, scheduled from April, 27th June, 8th in addition to many other running events throughout Italy that chose to create a bond with Telethon. The aim of the events is to develop and make it possible the treatment of genetic diseases.
Aimed at all lovers of sport and research in Campania, the Walk of Life of Naples will take place on Sunsay, May, 4th. A virtually run alongside runners and amateur runner of the researchers' Telethon Institute of Naples, that was born thanks to the generosity of millions of donors and it is well recognized in the entire world for its excellence in research on genetic diseases.
The event, which will start in Piazza Plebiscito, is organized in collaboration with ASD Naples Sport Events.
Till one hour beore the race, people will have the opportunity to enroll themselves at the stand of the Research Village.
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for more information.