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Nuits d'été à Pausilippe

3rd International Festival of chamber music in collaboration with the University Suor Orsola Benincasa in Naples June 7th-29th 2014


The International Festival of chamber music "Nuits d'été à Pausilippe" created by the musician Francòise Vidonne aims to promote the architectural heritage of Campania through the dissemination of the repertoire of chamber music.
At the same time it wants to give space to young Italian and international musicians to perform in a high artistic context, with the involvement of the great masters of world-class masters such as Aldo Ciccolini in 2012 and Zhu Xiao Mei in 2013.
The festival is called Nuits d'été à Pausilippe in homage to the eponymous collection composed by Gaetano Donizetti during his stay in Naples. His collection remembers the Neapolitan tradition born at the beginning of the XVII century, which was to move during the summer period, music performances from the noble palaces to Posillipo sea and the sea and commonly called the "amusements of Posillipo." The music, therefore, to "put an end to the troubles," to remember the etymology of the name of Posillipo hill.
The festival aim is to highlight the repertoire of the Neapolitan baroque, classical and contemporary, comparing it with the vision of foreign composers of the Grand Tour that Naples inspired.  Recalling the historical cultural ties that the city established over centuries with Europe. The festival of chamber music by the Association Neap took place in 2012 at Teatri Antichi of Villa del Pausilypon, whereas in 2013 at the extraordinary Villa Doria d'Angri Posillipo. The 2014 edition will take place at the Hall of the Angels of the Monumental Complex of the University Suor Orsola Benincasa in Naples.

For more information.
The Festival for the two previous editions was supported and benefited from the collaboration of the following institutions and private partners:
Goethe Institut, Institute Cervantes, Institut Français Naples, Centre Jean Bérard, Swiss Institute, New Patrons Foundation, Suona Francese Festival, Royaumont Fondation, TV5MONDE, City of Naples, Province of Naples, Parthenope University, University Suor Orsola Benincasa, Groupe Accor Palazzo Carraciolo, Altran, Augustea. 
 (890.01 KB)Download the program (890.01 KB).