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Public projection of the movie "Felice è chi è diverso" by Gianni Amelio

Saturday, May 17th at 7.30pm, on the occasion of the World Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, at cinema Academy Astra Via Mezzocannone 109 there will be the projection of the movie "Felice chi è diverso" by Gianni Amelio
locandina e programma
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An extraordinary film-documentary ("Happy is who is different") about the petty-bourgeois Italy from the beginning of the twentieth century until the seventies, where stigma against homosexuality and transsexuality - often confused with each other - was a norm, and where Pasolini could be derided as "upside down"; an Italy told through the testimonies full of life of men and women who have gone through the swamp of conquering prejudice, sometimes at great cost, their spaces of happiness.

Produced by Istituto Luce Cinecittà with Rai Cinema and Rai Trade, the MiBACT, Cubovision and support of the Lazio Region, the poetic movie by Amelio was presented at the Berlin Film Festival 2014. At the projection there will be Gianni Amelio with the head of the assembly Cecilia Pagliarini, Mayor Luigi de Magistris, the Councillor for Culture Nino Daniele, Councillor for equal opportunities Simonetta Marino.
Admission is free and open to all