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Conference "Being born in Campania: from women's desires to obstetric practices"

Friday, June 6th, 3pm - URBAN Arena

Via Concezione-Montecalvario, 26


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In a region where the physiology of childbirth has disappeared, it is necessary to reflect on the cultural and political modes of birth and the consequences they have on maternal and child well-being. The experience of childbirth in Campania is too often a traumatic event for women. Is it possible to reverse the trend? What are the forces at play?

Teresa De Pascale and Elvira Erman (Terra Prena Association)
Greetings from the Mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris

The birth in Italy. Empowerment or disempowerment?  
Dr. Michael Grandolfo (Epidemiologist, Director of Research at the National Institute of Health Organization)
The voice of women
Testimonials and experiences
Epidemiological analysis of care to pregnancy and childbirth through CEDAP
Prepared by the group of Dr. Maria Triassi (Scientific CEDAP Campania)
The role of the pediatrician in helping the mother-child relationship: how to improve current practices
Maurizio Saporito (Neonatologist at Napoli1 ASL)
Experience of the House of Maternity "Acqualuce" of the Hospital G.B. Grassi of Ostia, Rome
Rita Gentile (Head of midwifery care hospital and territorial ASL Roma D)


For more information: 3495067931