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Naples. Theatre Festival Italy

June, 6th-2nd, 2014
"The Napoli Teatro Festival Italy is now a consolidated reality in the Italian theater. It is now established as the leading national theater festival, the main festival that has the drama theater and dance.
Different theater modes are mixed together and many Masters will come back to Italy as for instance Lluis Pasqual, Andrei Konchalovsky, Maurizio Scaparro, known for their classical repertoire, directors of international level as Alvis Hermanis and Rimas Tuminas, artists of the experimental theater and poets of the theatre off as Riccardo Caporossi, Enzo Moscato and Davide Iodice. Young people will also take part to the event, experiencing the classical repertoire and dramas as well. Filmmakers, as Andé Rpberto, will take part to the Festival. It will not be the Festival of film. Eros Pagni, one of the most important actors of nowadays, will experience for the first time the Edwardian theatratical tradition. I am personally happy to see Michela Cescon again, we will see her as actress. And what about the wonderful way of acting of the Russian actors, who belong to the major drama schools in the world, often compared to that Neapolitan one, with the Edwardian repertoire or Lello Arena and many many others. I am also very happy to have the Nemirovsky Caffè, a series of readings dedicated to Irène Nemirovsky, writer particularly dear to me, now deservedly ranks among the great artists of the twentieth century.
It will also be a Festival that will inevitably involve Neapolitan tradition as well.

Read the presentation of the Artistic Director of the Festival, Luca De Fusco.
For info and appointments: www.napoliteatrofestival.it
 (33.93 KB)Download the program (33.93 KB).