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"The Republic of Ideas" in Naples

June5th-8th Palazzo Reale, Piazza del Gesù and the San Carlo Theatre will host many meetings, concerts and presentations open to everybody on the occasion of the event "The Republic of Ideas".

Four days in which we will be in Naples, along with the director of Repubblica Ezio Mauro, Eugenio Scalfari in a meeting with Roberto Benigni, Matteo Renzi, the most important journalists of Repubblica, from Natalia aspesi to Vittorio Zucconi and the opinionist of the Italian newspaper.

Among the guests there will be two Nobel Prizes, Mario Vargas Llosa and Michael Spence. Moreover, Adonis, Stefano Bartezzaghi, Zygmunt Bauman, Mauro Calise, Gianrico Carofiglio, Ilvo Diamanti, Petros Markaris, Tomaso Montanari, Marino Niola, Valeria Parrella, Carlo Petrini, Francesco Piccolo, Massimo Recalcati, Stefano, Rodotà, Gabriele Salvatores, Paolo Sorrentino, Achille Varzi, Gustavo Zagrebelsky and much more.

Theater performances by Corrado Augias, Federico Serena Dandini and Federico Rampini.

A leading role in this edition of the Festival will be played by the School of Journalism "Suor Orsola Benincasa" with its thirty journalists practitioners who will be the media arm of the editorial staff of the Festival.
Visit the website of the event for the full program. .