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Earth, Air, Fire, Water. Impact of the "Canticle of the Creatures" modern man

Traveling group exhibition on painting, sculpture, graphics and photography

June 7th-16th, 2014 at the Gallery of Modern Art "Le Porte"

Opening on Saturday, June 7th, 2014 5.30pm

The ultra secular principles set out in the "Canticle of the Creatures" are a reference to the very topical for the salvation of our planet, because of the increasing pollution caused by man, runs great risk of destruction. The disappearance of the "principle of brotherhood," the basis of St. Francis of Assisi's poem, is leading among peoples wars and continous massacres and the prevailing economic power is leading peoples to unrestrained competition, emptying them of their human essence.
The exhibition will be presented by the critic and art historian prof. Rosario Pinto, who that will present a debate on the theme of the exhibition, with the partecipation of the artistic director of the Association "Napoli Nostra", Gennaro Corduas.
During the inauguration Master Joe Ronca will play Neapolitan classics and unreleased songs with the accompaniment of classical guitar.
Participating artists:
Rossella Andriani, Anna Maria Artegiani, Giulio Belloni, Stefano Benazzo, ManuelBenjumeda, Fiorenzo Bertin, Lino Bianco, Maria Bonfiglio, Milvia Bortoluzzi, Alda Boscaro, Laura Bruno, Roberto Campagna, Fabio Castagna, Maria Colletti, Alba D'Alpaos, Claudio De Pasquale, Geltrude De Simone, Anna Nunzia Ercole, Carolina Ferrara, Luisella Furlan, Anna Galanga, Ida Gorgolini, Francesca Guetta, Carmine Carlo Maffei, Sandra Marcelloni, Giovanna Marrone, Mario Masoli, Aurora Mazzoldi, Teresa Palombini, Paola Augusta Pettini, Salvatore Piras, Liana Piva, Elettra Spalla Pizzorno, Mirella Proietti, Nanda Rago, Pierluigi Ricci, Gioacchino Rinallo, Nicola Romilio, Mirko Roncelli, Raffaello Rubino, Lucillo Santesso, Claudio Scandura, Lucia Simeone, Giacomo Giovanni Stecca, Federico Tamburri, Angelo Timpanaro, Miriam Tornese, Maria Tufano, Anna Turro, Maria Felice Vadalè, Valentina Valente, Lilia Viriglio, Canziana Virtu', Claudia Vivian, Enzo Zanetti, Lello Zito.
Gallery of Modern Art "Le Porte" - via Chiatamone 57
Opening Saturday, June 7th, 2014 5.30pm
Opening hours:
10:30am to 1:30pm-4:30pm to 7:30pm, clodes on Sunday