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Guided tours

The Historical Archive of the City of Naples organizes guided tours for students of Middle and High School.

The tour includes information modules assembled to interest young people in the historical-institutional and territorial tradition of the city and have them trained in the knowledge and use of written sources.



  • To provide basic information on the conservation and inventory of documentary archives. 
  • To foster in young people knowledge of the institutional, social and urban history of the City of Naples. 
  • To introduce students to documentary research. 
  • To give students the chance to ponder over the importance of preserving so-called "collective memory". 
  • To support the activity of teachers engaged in specific educational courses.


  • Basic information on archival disciplines - Quick information about an archive: what is an archive, how you can create one and what its content is. 
  • Institutional history of the City of Naples: the evolution of the city government - An interesting historical itinerary, from the old "Sedili" (Representative Parliaments) to the modern Municipal Administration. 
  • The social city. An itinerary through hope and reality - The evolution of charity and assistance activities in Naples, through documents taken from the Royal Home for the Poor, the Royal Holy Home of Annunziata and other ancient charitable institutions. 
  • Picturing the territory. City maps as a sign or dream of urban transformation - Through the observation of old maps, projects and drawings, we can keep in touch with a "continuous workshop", which, throughout the years, has modified the city layout.

Tour Location

City Historical Archive Offices in Salita Pontenuovo, 31 (behind the former Garibaldi Barracks in Via Foria)

Program and reservations

Guided tours take place from Monday to Friday, Sundays and public holidays excluded.
Schools should contact the Historical Archive Offices (referent: Mrs. Renzi, Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, 10-13 h., tel. 081.293687) to fix visiting dates.
Subsequently, they should forward a written request stating the number of students, the name of the teacher/s accompanying them and the date preferred for the excursion.
Guided tours are free.

Time table
Tours start at 9 am and end at 1 pm (breaks are taken in order to keep students' attention as far as possible).

One class and one accompanying teacher per tour will be allowed.

Facilities for the disabled
Wheelchairs are not available, and cannot be used, for the disabled.


Area Cultura e Turismo Servizio Beni Culturali - Archivio Storico Municipale
Salita Pontenuovo, 31 - 80139 Napoli
e-mail: archivi.storici.biblioteche@comune.napoli.it
pec: archivi.biblioteche@pec.comune.napoli.it