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In memory of the employees of the Municipality of Naples who died in the First World War

memorial plaque to the employees of the Municipality of Naples who died in the First World War, the text says:"From here they went out to offer their young lives to the country, here they came back in spirit to offer to the survivors, to the next, the example of the worth of sacrifice of love to the country"- the fallen list is in the text of the page.
  1. Torti Guglielmo, Captain
  2. Luciano Carlo, son of Gaetano Luciano. Awarded the silver medal for Valour. Reserve Lieutenant of the 21st Infantry Regiment. Born Naples17 May 1896, died of battle wounds 17 June 1917 on the High Plains of Asiago.
  3. Patruno Luigi, Second Lieutenant
  4. Balbi Vincenzo, Sergeant 185th Battalion M.T. Born Naples 7 April, died of illness 12 december 1918.
  5. D'Arienzo Agilindo, Chief Corporal 220th Infantry Regiment. Botn 25 June 1882 Naples, died of battle wounds 1st September 1917 on the High Plains of Bainsizza.
  6. Amabile Ernesto, Corporal of the 1st Bersaglieri regiment. Born Naples 15 September 1884, died of battle wounds 3 November 1915.
  7. De Sena Raffaele, Corporal, 133rd Infantry Regiment. Born 20 June 1888, died of battle wounds 7 November 1915.
  8. Eustacchio Attilio, Corporal, 95th Infantry Regiment. Born 3 August 1887, Naples, died of battle wounds 20 May 1917 on the Carso.
  9. Giordano Sabato, Awarded the bronze medal for valour. Corporal, 31st Infantry Regiment. Born 28 November 1888, Naples, died in battle 2 July 1915 on the Isonzo.
  10. Marzicano Gennaro, Corporal, 133rd Infantry Regiment. Born 8 October 1888, died in battle 18 June 1916.
  11. Barile Pasquale, Private.
  12. Battaglia Giuseppe, Private.
  13. Calignano Luigi, Private.
  14. Carrano Antonio, Private, 117th Infantry Regiment. Born 19 October 1886 Naples, died in battle 27 July 1916.
  15. Covelli Salvatore, private, 85th Infantry Regiment. Born 1st January 1896 Naples, died in battle 29 May 1917.
  16. De Micco Salvatore, private, 139th Infantry Regiment. Born 16 January 1889 Naples, missing on the battlefield of Carso 4 November 1915.
  17. De Simone Vincenzo, Private.
  18. Fase Vincenzo, Private 31st Infantry Regiment. Born 26 April 1884 Afragola (Naples), missing on the battlefield 18 June 1916. 
  19. Fresa Pietro, Private, 14th Infantry Regiment. Born 27 June 1896 Naples, died in battle 24 November 1916.
  20. Giordano Ferdinando, Private.
  21. Luciano Carlo, Private, 148th Infantry Regiment. Born 4 September 1882 Naples, died in prison of illness 22 June 1918.
  22. Marsilia Vincenzo, Private, 31st Infantry Regiment. Born 28 December 1889 Naples, missing on the battlefield of Carso 2 July 1915.
  23. Romeo Gennaro, Private, 210th Infantry Regiment. Born 17 September 1881 Naples, died in prison of illness 28 January 1918.
  24. Russo Vincenzo, Private.
  25. Scognamiglio Ciro, Private.
picture of a commemorative ceremony to the memorial tablet to the fallen,1937
Commemorative ceremony in Palazzo San Giacomo, 1937
picture of a commemorative ceremony to the memorial tablet to the fallen,1937
Guard of Honour in Palazzo San Giacomo, 1937

Details are from "Ministero della Guerra, Militari caduti nella guerra nazionale 1915-1918 - Albo d'oro" (Ministry of War, Soldiers killed in the national war 1915-1918 - Book of Honour), Vol.V CAMPANIA (Provinces of Naples and Salerno), Rome, Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato (State Graphical Institute), 1929.

The illustrations are of the ceremony of commemoration held in Palazzo San Giacomo on 4 November 1937 and are from: Rivista Municipale (Yesr 63, no.11-12 November-December 1937 XVI). Note the dress uniform, with sabre, worn by the Vigili Urbani (Town Police) (as the corps was then called), who took part in the Guard of Honour.


Area Cultura e Turismo Servizio Beni Culturali - Archivio Storico Municipale
Salita Pontenuovo, 31 - 80139 Napoli
e-mail: archivi.storici.biblioteche@comune.napoli.it
pec: archivi.biblioteche@pec.comune.napoli.it