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The tablet with the vague reference

memorial plaque to the beginning and the end of the First World War, the text says:"Soldiers,to you the glory to plant the italian flag on the holy boundaries that Nature put to the borders of the country. To you the glory to complete, finally, this act started from our fathers with so much heroism. From the Headquarter. 26th may 1915, Vittorio Emanuele III The rest of what it was one of the most powerful army in the world back up in disorder and without hope from the valleys, once gone down with proud confidence". November 4th 1918, 12 h. Armando Diaz. The citizens in 1922.
bronze bust of Vittorio Emanuele III
E. Rossi, bronze bust of Vittorio Emanuele III, early 20th century,Municipal Historical Archives

On this tablet there are just a few lines, two names, two dates indicating a period of three and a half years. To describe what had happened in those three and a half years, contemporaries had coined the expression "Great War".

However, it was already 1922 and the cryptic words on the tablet fixed to the façade of the Town Hall expresses, perhaps, the climage of unease that was being felt all over the country.

A necessary but clearly incidental reference to the past war: brief quotations from Vittorio Emanuele III's proclamation to the army on the occasion of the declaration of war with Austria and from the Notice of Victory signed by General Armando Diaz. However, the Town Council's intention was evidently to draw attention to the king's Neapolitan citizenship (he was born in the royal palace of Capodimonte)and the artifice of the Victory (born in one of the buildings which at that time surrounded Castel Nuovo), called in 1922 to take the offfice of Minister of War during Mussolini's first term.

In the uncertainty of those times, the City did all it could to sfeguard itself and its eminent childen. 
The bronze decoration at the top of the tablet shows the Savoy escutcheon surmounted by the royal crown, with at the sides the oval emblem of the ancient Seggio del Popolo and the coat-of-arms of the City of Naples with a turreted crown and oak and laurel branches as decorations.

detail of the equestrian monument to Diaz
Statue of Armando Diaz (1936) in Via F. Caracciolo, detail.

Stange, but...

...the neckchain around the royal escutcheon seems to be that of the Supreme Order of Saint Annunziata (the dynastic order of the House of Savoy), while the pendant is that of the Order of the Golden Fleece!

...the patriotic zeal of the person who engraved the words resulted in an error ... of distraction, of course. There is a U missing, so Vittorio Emanuele III's proclamation is issued from the QARTIERE GENERALE (General Headq...arters)!

...the king's famous proclamation was made on 24 May 1915, but the engraver engraved 26, the day the king left for Rome to reach the front.


Area Cultura e Turismo Servizio Beni Culturali - Archivio Storico Municipale
Salita Pontenuovo, 31 - 80139 Napoli
e-mail: archivi.storici.biblioteche@comune.napoli.it
pec: archivi.biblioteche@pec.comune.napoli.it