Sometimes, who knows what fate has in store for us! Antonio was born in 1822, on October 22nd, precisely on the day of the memorable eruption of the Vesuvius volcano. Was it bound to happen? Was it fate? In any case, Antonio Winspeare, Duke of Salve and descendant of a noble family boasting ancient British roots, showed, while growing up, his volcanic nature; he was what we could call an enfant terrible.
As soon as he was old enough to work he got started off on a managerial career and, in 1842, he worked as an "alumno" (first rank to be reached in the white-collar hierarchy) for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in Palazzo San Giacomo.
Leaving aside his eventful political and managerial career, it's noteworthy that in November 1975 he was appointed Mayor of Naples, thus returning to San Giacomo, since in the meantime the building had become the Town Hall residence.
Fate, as we said, and a volcanic nature, topped off with a sharp intolerance towards those who failed to do their own duty.
At the Town Hall things had been made clear from the start. His rigid British-like way of managing his ministerial duties was probably due to the imprinting received at birth, on October 22nd fifty-three years earlier, while Vesuvius was smoking. The first measure taken by the newly appointed Mayor was, in fact, "...the prohibition for employees to smoke during work-time. Those who smoke, fail to meet an obligation and will therefore be punished accordingly, taking into consideration extenuating circumstances, should there be any".
Employees, seeing which way the wind was blowing, promptly understood... fumus persecutionis!
Area Cultura e Turismo Servizio Beni Culturali - Archivio Storico Municipale
Salita Pontenuovo, 31 - 80139 Napoli
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