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"ParteNopea e ParteDonna" - Guide to Naples

Structure of the guide

The "ParteNopea e ParteDonna" guide to Naples is related to recent traditions of interpreting cities through women's eyes, but more than that it is similar to that network of European cities such as Paris and some Turcan and Emilian cities which have begun to pay special attention to tour itineraries though the eyes of women.
The way this guide is strucured is completely original, different from any other. We have chosen not to provide a mapping, a description of those places on which women have left their mark, but to suggest itineraries that provide us with a different kind of knowledge of the most significant architectural and artistic legacy of the city.To the information provided by all the other guides to Naples, we have added the profiles of those women whose works and places have made them indispensible protagonists.
The "ParteNopea e ParteDonna" guide provides five tours through the historical centre and the Spanish quarters. The methodology we have used has simply been that of a walk though the town, looking at its sites from a different perspective, so that what is observed and natural curiosity allows the visitor to discover all possible traces of the influence of women. There has been no attempt, therefore, to be "thematic", to indicate themes of certain historical periods or categories of women, neither have we pre-selected those women who are believed to have been most influential.
With each itinerary there are: a detailed map of the places and the women associated with them; a description of the tour; historical information on architectural matters; brief biographies of women and references to other places of interest forming a "women's map" of the city.

Tour 1

From Piazza del Gesù to Piazza S. Domenico Maggiore
Women founders, rebels and writers

Stages and women characters of the tour

icona Tour 1
  • Church of Gesù Nuovo - Isabella della Rovere
  • Palazzo Pigatelli - Women's History Archive
  • Church of S. Chiara - Sancia d'Aaragona Maiorca, Maria Cristina di Savoia
  • Monastery and Cloistersof S. Chiara - Ippolita di Carmignano
  • Complex of S. Francesco delle Monache - Giulia Gonzaga
  • Church of S. Marta - Margherita di Durazzo
  • Palazzo Filomarino - Elena Croce
  • Piazza S. Domenico Maggiore - Elena Canino Archive of women and women's and gender history studies at the university
  • Church of S. Domenico Maggiore - Isabella D'Aragona
  • Palazzo S. Severo di Sangro - Maria D'Avalos

Tour 2

From Piazza Miraglia to Piazza Dante
Women musicians, painters and militants

Stages and women characters of the tour

icona Tour 2
  • The S. Pietro a Maiella Academy of Music - Emilia Gubitosi, Ebe Stignano
  • Piazza Bellini - Libreria delle Donne (Women's Studies Library)
  • Accademia delle Belle Arti - Artemisia Gentileschi, Maria Palliggiano, Maria Padula
  • Palazzo Ruffo di Bagnara Mensa dei Bambini Proletari - Leonilde Puoti, Giuseppina Guacci Nobile Le Nemesiache
  • Piazza Dante

Tour 3

From the Archeological Museum to Largo S. Marcellino
Women philanthropists, abbesses and women of letters

Stages and women characters of the tour

icona Tour 3
  • Hospital of the Incurables - Maria Longo, Maria Ayerba, Vittoria Colonna
  • Convent of S. Maria in Gerusalemme or delle Trentatre
  • Church and Convent of Regina Coeli - Giovanna Antide Thouret
  • Piazza S. Gaetano - Antontietta de Pace
  • Church and Convent of S. Gregorio Armeno - The abbesses, Enrichetta Caracciolo
  • During the tour - Teresa Casati Confalonieri, Elena di Savoia
  • Cloisters of S. Marcellino - The abbesses

Tour 4

From Corso Vittorio Emanuele to Monte Echia
Women mystics, educators and revolutionaries

Stages and women characters of the tour

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  • Istituto Suor Orsola Benincasa - Suor orsola Benincasa, Adelaide del Balzo Pignatelli, Antonietta Pagliara
  • Church of S. carlo alle Mortelle - Fede Galizia
  • Istituto Mondragone Museo del Tessile (Textile Museum) - Elena Aldobrandini
  • Church of S. Maria degli Angeli - Costanza Doria del Carretto
  • Palazzo Serra di Cassano - Eleonora Pimentel Fonseca
  • Monte Echia - The sirens and the legend of Partenope

Tour 5

From the Spanish Quarters to Piazza Plebiscito
Women actors, journalists and queens

Stages and women characters of the tour

icona Tour 5
  • Teatro Nuovo - Titina de filippo, Tina Pica, Tecla Scarano
  • Vico tre re - Maria Francesca delle 5 Piaghe
  • Church of S. Brigida - Brigida di Svezia
  • Salone Margherita/Galleria Umberto - Elvira Donnarumma
  • Teatro Augusto - Francesca Bertini, Elvira Notari
  • Piazzetta Matilde Aerao - Matilde Serao
  • Off-tour Teatro Metropolitan - Stefania Filo Speziale
  • Church of S. ferdinando - Lucia Migliaccio
  • S. carlo Opera House -Laura Beatrice Oliva, Maria Caniglia
  • Royal Palace - Sofonisba\Anguissola, Maria Amalia Valpurga di Sassonia, Maria Carolina D'Asburgo, Maria Carolina Bonaparte Murat Fondo women's subjectivity