From 10/01/08 to 31/01/08
"Risalire la China - The art of comics"
The Comics of Author becaome Parthenopean.
Organised by Department of Culture, Naples City Council - G G Studio Sas
Loggia Hall third floor
The Angevin Castle, always been the seat of exhibitions of great artistic value, will house on january 10th, 4 p.m. the exhibition about Comic of Author "Risalire la china" organized and promoted by the GG studio that represent the most important group of professional personalities linked to the art of comics in the Neapolitan area.
The exhibition has the aim to emphatize the artistic potential of the media of comic not relegated just to the commercial and adolescent ambit. The route of Loggia hall will follow the creative process that brings to the birth of a project to the production of the comic. For this reason the exhibition will be divided in several synergistic parts aimed to illustrate not just the development phases of an editorial project, but also the artistic and cognitive activity on which the expressivity of the authors who works in the field is based.
The exhibition, moreover, wants to bring the spectators near to an expressive form still rich of potentiality and source of inspiration both in the cinematographic ambit and also in the artistic one. The artists involved, coming from different professional experiences, will be: Giuliano Monni,Vincenzo Cucca, Marco Castiello, Fabrizio Fiorentino, Barbara Ciardo, Alessia Nocera, Alessandro Rak e Andrea Scoppetta.
Open: Monday - Saturday: 9.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m.
Box office closes at 6.00 p.m.
Tickets: reduced for groups of students of at least 15 people.
Free admission: for under 18 and over 65; for groups of students attended by teachers; for students of Humanistic Faculties; for members of ICOM.
The accesses allow disabled to enter easily.
We suggest that groups of students should book the tour at the Museum office in advance.
How to reach us:
From Vomero: Central Funicolare (Piazzetta Fuga via Toledo)
From the city centre: C55 ( Umberto - via Depretis), R2 (Central station- Piazza Trieste e Trento)
From Chiaia: R3 (Riviera di Chiaia - Piazza Municipio)
Tramcar: 1 (Poggioreale - via Marina)