This is the first step of an old plan : the staging of Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quixote.
From the script came from the cooperation with the great studious Gerardo Guerrieri,our first phase of work will begin.
It will be a hard work that will involve Mariano Regillo' s Actor Company with other young actors.
In Lukacs' opinion Cervantes' work is the first novel of lost illusions.
It would be immediate and nostalgic to think about our first slogan "l'imagination au pouvoir"; anyway it's not only this , but the awareness of the necessity of a revolution : "l'imagination pour pouvoir vivre".
In the decadent period Don Quixote is an emblematic figure of protest and rejection to adapt himself to the imposed models of society. Even though he has a contradictory role and represents the " comic hero ", Don Quixote gives to his condition a tragic depth and he expresses his subversive
potential of freedom to be himself in a world that seems not to need him.
With the big opportunity to partecipate to the project "May of Monuments" in the storic castles of the city, we thought that Cervantes himself would have chosen Capuano Castle as the more appropriate to receive our project.
The first stage of the project consists of two moments:
In the second stage of the project the directing, interpretative, scenographic, musical and coreographic work will take shape in the performance:"EL INGENIOSO HIDALGO DON QUIJOTE DE LA MANCIA". The script of the permormance will have pieces of Cervantes novel ,thanks to the cooperation with Gerardo Guerrieri, will be enriched by the laboratory work