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The property of the spire

The spire of Immacolata
Spire of Immacolata(1747-1750)

The air stairway, a climb of 40 meters and the Firemen that place a bunch of roses in the arms of the statue of Immacolata, on the top of the spire stretched out to the sky.This is the end of the annual consignment of the city to her main patron saint, a ceremony with a well-established ritual: after the messages of the authorities, the bunch of roses offered by the city and blessed by the Archbishop is committed to firemen so the climb can start.  Crowd with turned-up noses, then liberating applause when the flowers are right there,with the sky as background.
The Mayor with the shoulder tricolour strip has the task to represent the city during the ceremony that every 8th of december, in Gesù Nuovo place, makes people's attention turned to the wonderful baroque spire of which the city is owner from almost 200 years. 
The construction of the Immacolata spire, wanted by the Jesuit preacher Francesco Pepe and begun in 1747, has been financied only by the charities of the devotees of the Virgin Mary, but as consequence of the Pact of 1818 between rhe pope Pio VII and king Ferdinando I di Borbone-Due Sicilie, the ownership of the monument has been transfered to the city of Naples.

detail of the gate spire with the ancient armorial bearings of the city
detail of the spire gate

This remained on a sly for a lot of years, until in 1831 the conditions of the spire needed interventions to guarantee the public safety, the Decurionship( an assembly similar to the present Town Council) declared that the owners of the monument,for what tey know, were the Jesuits and so the costs of the restorations were their due.Everything stranded,of course.
The next year, when the dangers became bigger, the king puts an end to the situation: works had been realized and paid by the town Administration; the sovereign reminded everyone that " to the terms of the Pact of 1818 the Jesuits declined their ancient right of property and (...) the ownership of the spire has been transfered to the city.

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