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School adopts a monument

marble statue of Madonna with Jesus
Madonna of Gagini

"School adopts a monument", born in Naples in December 1992, and edited by Napoli Novantanove Foundation, with the collaboration of Provveditorato agli Studi e le Soprintendenze, is a project of social and cultural value that has spread, from year to year, along 240 italian communes, from the north to the south of Italy

The aim's project is to awaken young generations to the conservation and to the respect of the historical-artistic heritage and generally to the enviromental protection, through a plan of in-service training that has to turn into right behaviours towards the surrounding area and the traces left by history and nature.

The project starts from the acknowledge of the central position of the school in the education of the citizen behaviours. It identifies in the young generations the priviligied person for the imposition of a new awareness of the Arts. What does awareness mean? It means: to learn how to acknowledge the Arts like monumental emergency and antropological handiworks, engraved in the social and cultural stucture of a community, symbol of identity and medium of feelings such as: solidarity and sharing.

 (190.12 KB)look at the events of 4 week ends (190.12 KB).