Press Preview Friday October 3 at 12:00
Opening Saturday October 4 at 19:00
Saturday October 4, 2008 will be opened in the project room, at the first floor of the PAN a one man exhibition of Renato Barisani, arranged by Julia Draganovic and Olga Scotto di Vettimo.
The exhibition - a tribute for the artist's birthday in November, in which he'll be 90 years old- will present a selection of recent works, realized in the last fifteen years of his career.
The selection of 16 paintings, 4 big sculptures and nearly 15 jewels(neckalces and rings, belonging also to preceding periods) is intended to identify a nucleus of works which allow to underline some constant factors in the Master's research and continuous exceedings in painting, architecture and design.
Moreover the exhibition open a series of widenings that the PAN wants to carry out on neapolitan Masters belonging to the 18th century,dedicating to them one man exhibitions.
Being the facility a Documentation Center, some video materials,selected by PAN' s archives, will be enjoyable and will testify Barisani's artistic path.
Renato Barisani ( Naples, 1918). After the diploma in sculpture at the Naples Art Institute, between 1937 and 1939 he attended the Artistic Industry Department in Monza, attending the same courses of Pagano, Pica, Marini e Semeghini.In 1941 he graduated at Academy of Fine Arts in Naples.
In 1948 he takes part in the Quadriennale D'Arte in Rome, participating also to 1965 and 1986 editions. In 1949 he assents and takes part in the axhibitions of the Gruppo Sud at the gallery Blu di Prussia; while from 1950 to 1955 sets up the Neapolitan Group Concret Art together with Venditti, De Fusco e Tatafiore, with an interest for the abstract research in an international sphere and participating to the most important exhibitions organisezed by the milanese MAC. From 1953 starts his interest for design and realizes a series of painted skirts.
From the half of the 50's he experiments new materials such as perspex and plexiglas (1954), starts his research on photogtams (1954) , the design of his first jewels (1956) and a production in which are used artificial and natural materials (1957). From 1960 to 1963 he assents to the "New European School of Losanna" founded by George Kasper. In 1962 and, then, in 1972 he takes part at the Biennale di Venezia.
From 1964 he dedicated himself to the decoration of ceramics. At the end of the 60's he creates works in formica and plexiglas, while in the first 60's uses neon to create sculptures and luminous objects. From 1965 to 1980 he assents to the neapolitan group Geometry and Research with De Tora, Di Ruggiero, Riccini, Tatafiore, Testa and Trapani.
The 80' s are marked by an intense experimentation of thechniques and materials: oil paint, spray, watercolour, pastel, glue, papers and cardboards, photocopies, wood forms with which he creates collages. In 1993 Barisani wins the prestigious Pollok prize from Krasner-Pollock Foundation of New York. In 1999 he creates a big mosaic and a monumental sculpture for the subway station of Salvator Rosa in Naples. Other big size sculptures in metal have been realized for the outdoor Museum of Ripe San Ginesio (1999), Castel dell'Ovo in Naples (2000), the subway station of Quattro Giornate Square in Naples (1967-2000), for the municipalities of San Giorgio a Cremano (2001), Giffoni Sei Casali (2003) and Casoria (2004).
His works are in prestigious public collections.
via dei mille 60, napoli
tel. +39.081.7958605-06-07
fax. +39.081.7958608
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